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studio bring me to know KEDAH!!

STUDIO PROJECT!! i choose my site at Kg tepi sungai kota kuala muda kedah..
 woahhhh!! kedah?? hehe my first time to be there...spent the whole day to know the villagers

Kedah, also known by its Arabic honorific, Darul Aman (Abode of Peace) is situated in the North-Western part of Peninsular Malaysia. Kedah shares boundaries with Perlis to the North, Perak to the South, and Penang to the SouthWest. It also shares international boundaries with Thailand.The capital and royal seat of Kedah is Alor Setar. It is also the government administration and commercial centre.

Traditionally, Kedah is known as "The Rice Bowl of Malaysia". This is due to the fact that Kedah is a rice depot where more than half of the rice in Malaysia is produced. When you're here in Kedah, you would definitely be fascinated by the vast seas of paddy fields, the lush green tropical rain forests and the amazing scenic mountains.

"To be truly Fascinated by the Amazingly Beautiful Kedah Attractions,
You've got to come here and see it for yourself!"
 here are some pictures........




Act i can talk...but how to present it to others with all the sort of info...
so debate make me sharpen my skill
even my group not a winner

ENJOY photo for the day


 debate is a contest, or, perhaps, like a game, where two or more speakers present their arguments intent on persuading one another. Men have been debating with one another since the beginning of time when the serpent first debated with Eve the benefits of eating certain fruits in the Garden. We shall limit ourselves here with discussing formal contest debating between educational institutions, or, in the world of homeschooling, between families that choose to bypass educational institutions and educate their children at home.

Amirul presenting their point!!!!

Audition...focus on the presentor....

CONGRATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Long Can we SURVIVE??

When faced with a survival situation, clean drinkable water is often the most important consideration. People have survived without food for weeks or even months, but go without water for even just one day and the survivor will be in desperate straights indeed.
Knowing that water is by far the most important nutrient for the human body (besides oxygen) and, in particular, during a survival situation when finding potable water may not be easy, the question becomes – just how long can the human body survive without adequate water?
To maintain a high level of health and efficiency even in ideal environments, a minimum of two quarts of clean water per day per person is the generally accepted rule of thumb. In very hot or cold or very dry environments, or if you are physically active, two quarts of water a day may not be enough to sustain life over a period of days or weeks.
Water lost through sweating and normal respiration must be replaced in order to stay healthy and function at top efficiency. Water is also needed to process the food you eat, especially if it is salty or you eat heavy foods like meat

What if there is no WATER?

Water is LIFE!!! but we are using it so much without CONTROL...
it is urgent to change this way of acting!!!! Come on guys.....
                                                   HERE ARE THE VIDEO..ENJOY!

we are Water...:)

See..the topic look great right? Act this is statement from the campaign save the water....
Water is everything to us, without we realize how important it is until we lost it..
                                         AM I RIGHT??

Let us think!!! HOUSE but dont have water..emmm how our daily life could be??
i am suffer enough just to THINK about this..
so what about YOU as a water consumer???? Do you CARE???


WE ARE WATER Foundation is a foundation incorporated in Barcelona, by means of a public deed granted on 23 June 2010 before the Notary Public Mr. Javier GarcĂ­a Ruiz (deed number 2199), with registered office at Avda. Diagonal, 513, 08029 Barcelona, holder of Tax Identification number G65366981 and registered in the Registry of Foundations of Generalitat de Catalunya. The articles of incorporation of the foundation can be obtained at the Foundation's registered office.

Water Foundation has been created with two key goals in mind. The first is to promote awareness and encourage debate among the public and organisations on the need to create a new culture for water, to enable the equitable development and sustainable management of the world's water resources.
The second is to carry out a whole host of actions to counter the negative effects of the lack of adequate water resources. The foundation is involved in infrastructure, education, health and research activities concentrated in the most deprived areas of the world.
The foundation's fields of activity include involvement in infrastructure, education, health and research, concentrated in the world's most deprived areas.

My 1st task!!!!

special night and it is the right time for me to review all of my passion 
PASSION??? what's that??? (powerful felling in doing something!!! that its)
1 sem struggling for all the studio work....
now this is time for me to show some of them by queue

so here are my 1st project :::::

This is just a front page of our group project!!! :)


Kuala Muda is a small fishing village located at the mouth of Sungai Muda, in Kedah.

Challange to M'sia :: Water Sustainability


Challenges to Malaysia::water sustainability

Future of Malaysia water,there is either TOO MUCH, TOO LITTLE & INACCESSIBLE water to meet the needs of our nation in 2020.

critical factors::population growth:::::economic growth:::::::climate change::::

Sustainability::::Malaysia Water Resources

water for NOW & FUTURE

Malaysians continue to waste water!!
 a precious and finite resource, despite the frequent episodes of water shortages that make headlines every so often. As a nation, we just don’t feel strongly enough about managing our water resources sustainability.

For planners and decision makers in government
 it helps to have suitable indicators to measure the sustainability of our water resources

Institutional issues 
Malaysia lacks a central agency to manage the overall aspects of water resources management. Too many agencies have jurisdiction over different aspects of water management, leading to sectoral management of water and conflicting or competing objectives. 

High rates of water wastage 
Rates of water wastage in domestic, industrial and agricultural use are very high and this is unsustainable in the long term. Compared to other countries, Malaysia uses and wastes too much water. 

Changing weather patterns 
Globally and locally, the climate and weather are changing and this is affecting water resources. For example, the 1997/98 El Nino brought severe drought resulting in water crises in many parts of Malaysia. Water planning in Malaysia does not adequately take into account changes in weather patterns.

High rates of Non-revenue Water (NRW) 
Rates of NRW in Malaysia are much too high with the national average being 40%. This equals a loss of 40 litres out of every 100 litres of treated water. If Malaysia can reduce the NRW losses to a minimum, the building of new dams could be delayed. 

Privatization of the water sector 
Water is considered a lucrative commodity and there are plans by the government to privatize water supply in almost every State. However, several water privatisation schemes have not produced desirable results. Water privatisation still lacks transparency and accountability. 

Destruction and degradation of water catchments Many water catchments in the country have yet to be gazetted and protected. Consequently, they are exposed to development of all kinds resulting in adverse environmental effects, which ultimately make water resources unsustainable. 

Most legislation relating to water is outdated and needs to be reviewed in today’s context. Many existing laws are also not comprehensive enough and do not deal directly with water issues. The recently approved Water Services Industry Act and National Water Services Commission Act provide some progress towards strengthening water resources management. However, their scope is limited to matters concerning regulation of the water services industry involving mainly the treatment and distribution of water supply. 

Water pollution 
Water pollution is a serious problem in Malaysia and impacts negatively on the sustainability of water resources. It reduces total water availability considerably as the cost of treating polluted waters is too high and in some instances, polluted waters are not treatable for consumption. 

major issues must be addressed to ensure sustainability of our water resources for now and in the future.

Low water rates Water rates in Malaysia are amongst the lowest in the world. This has not encouraged water conservation but instead led to water wastage and overuse, both of which undermine the sustainability of water. 

Inefficient agricultural water use 
Agriculture uses about 68% of total water consumption in Malaysia but irrigation efficiency is 50% at best in the larger irrigation schemes and less than 40% in the smaller ones. There is also no recycling of irrigated water. All of these factors challenge the sustainability of water resources.

Planning Studio RPS 307 [Purpose & Objective]

Project conducted at my studio Are involve preparation of PHYSICAL PLAN such as structure & local plans and also Special area plan as documented in the Town and Planning Act Malaysia(1976) (Act 172)

Comprehensive and in depth understanding of related planning issues and problems from the physical, social, economic, environmental, technology such as aspects as well as identifying intra and int­er sectoral linkages. Understanding and application of the requirement, guidelines and regulations related to the relevant technical department in property development sector.

Conceptual framework for the planning process including preliminary study, methodology, data gathering, data analysis, preparation of alternative plans, plan evaluation, costing and project implementation.

Adoption of the sustainable development philosophy and Local Agenda 21 in contemporary planning context.
Understanding and be able to prepare the  Development Proposal for Live Project Studio projects are carried out as individual work to allow for innovation, creativity and sensitivity in dealing with the built environment and natural environmental issues; whilst group projects allow for leadership development and organizational skills, as well as teamwork initiatives. The teaching and learning in studio is conducted by seminars and workshops to develop oral, graphic and multimedia communication skills.

What Urban Agriculture Mean to Urban Design..

What is Urban culture?
Urban culture is the culture of towns and cities (wikipedia the free encyclopedia)

Qingdao China???

Qingdao is renowned for being a wonderful beach destination and a green city. The city's architecture is an interesting mix of characteristically European and traditional Chinese buildings, which creates a laid-back, cosmopolitan ambiance. Crimson reefs, gentle waves, and colorful sailing boats set against golden beaches complete the scene. It is a quaint and popular spot for travelers and sun seekers alike. Its climate is pleasant and its scenic spots are very beautiful.
Qingdao skyline

The western part of Qingdao has an aura of classical Chinese beauty but the eastern part of the city has a more modern charm. Qingdao cuisine specializes in seafood and most dishes are mild in taste, which is very welcome. The sea gives the city a feeling of quiet expansiveness, while Laoshan Mountain brings a feeling of secluded beauty. The green stones of Laoshan Mountain, natural pearls, and original craft work made of grass are favorites with tourists. Qingdao is also famous for its beer and you can taste and enjoy the true original Qingdao beer at the annual Beer Festival which takes place from August 12-16.

ref :tourchina.com